Saturday, January 16, 2010



  1. I see what you were going for... but it feels just a bit off...

  2. I feel very limited with the point and click....I need a camera with more options.

  3. i think it's a bit too dark.
    i just wished my bike was so clean. maybe i can put some close-ups from it later on... is a good site with tests of the most popular and innovative models. just shoot any question you might have.


    I think this is the best site you can find.

    Best bets.. stick with either Nikon on Canon (no offense to Dirk's Olympus) for a DSLR and you will be good to go. Both have reasonably priced, high quality cameras and amazing lenses.

  5. no offense taken. don't just stick to the two big ones because everybody else has it. think about what you'll want it for. i like hiking and the system i have ways almost half of the canon or nikon equivalent, and leaves space in my back pack for a water bottle. it takes good pictures too :-)
    It's like cars: there's BMW and Mercedes but that doesn't mean Lexus is crap.

  6. i'm sorry, that spells 'weighs'... english spelling, why are there no rules grmbl..

  7. Ugh, english, I know what you mean. Phonetics...

    Anyway, I shoot a Canon and I love it. It was reasonably priced and lenses (at my level) are cheapish. Very similar to Nikon. For entry level stuff, having used both, I would prefer Canon. The Nikon's processor seemed much slower and the time between picture take and picture display on the screen is brutal.

    Anyway, I really like this shot. It's a tad dark, but all of the geometry is really spot on.

    Would make a good poster at an urban club or mountain shop.
