Saturday, March 6, 2010


taken last summer; tilt shift of Band of Skulls
I'm slacking on my pictures, its not because I don't want to take any, its that they all seem to look like stock photos. I need to get out and take a good look at my surroundings and shoot. The weather is great this weekend and I plan to spend this evening in the Short North. Its a gallery hop night and the weekend of the Arnold classic. there should be no shortage of interesting people and things to photo.

I also plan to start a Boba blog this weekend. I plan to do monthly episodes and try my hand at some video as well. Hopefully I don't get sued by George Lucas. So be on the lookout for more adventures of Boba Fet : Bounty Hunter.


  1. Haha.. watch out though.. you take the picture of the wrong Arnold Classic guy and you are done for!

  2. Its hard to tell the guys from the girls. Good thing I can run fast.

  3. I don't think I've ever seen you move fast...

    when are we going to start seing some macro car shots ... it's not like you own a rental car place.. oh wait ;0
